66 DongHai East Road
Telephone: +86 (532) 8801-6870
LaoShan District > FuShan Area (South of FuShan)
Qingdao, Shandong Province. P.R. China
青岛雕塑博物馆, 东海东路66号, 中国山东省青岛市崂山区
The Qingdao Sculpture Museum, is perched overlooking the sea on DongHai East Road and displays masterpieces by both Chinese and foreign artists. Displays can also be found in its beautiful gardens.
Closest Bus Stops:
Hai Long Lu: #317
From XiangGang East Road:
Hai Qing Lu: #321, #125, #104 (Get off the bus and walk south down HaiLong or HaiQing Road).